Mamik FOR Taufan
By: Nurayani
His name is Ibrahim Taufan. He is the eldest of three brothers. He is a quiet boy. So that his friends often called Typhoon. Her mother had died a long time since he was six years old. Now he has grown older and live with Mamik "name greeting to father".After so long a widower. Mamikku cheerful and never as good as when I was together with my mother. I do not know why Mamikku always be cynical of me. But his attitude is different even one hundred eighty degrees to my sisters. Merekaberdua always spoiled by Mamiq.Mamikku have a small shop in the village and worked as a taxi driver in private enterprise. Not infrequently he also helped us sell in the store.Although busy with school and other extracurricular activities at school. I always found time to help Mamikku to sell in stores. In fact, most of the merchandise that I brought home to school to sell at school. I was often scolded and punished by the teacher for the school to sell. "Instead of actually selling you learn in school" he said sarcastically. But I just smile.Every time he saw insistence he always said "there is no point in acting like that". But I did not say anything and continued aktifitasku.I'm getting confused about the attitude Mamikku. What exactly happened to him?. Since my mother died he was always not fair to me.Every night I cry. Why Mamik be like that to me?. Every time I asked the brother. They only answered "probably not in the mood Mamik again". I thought, yeah maybe. Because kecape'an seeking passengers a day.Time wore on. I woke up and tried my ablutions' behind my house. How surprised I was to hear Mamik mengis. Mamikku might miss the mother. Then I will try to him into the room. I saw her frail body and then ask."Why Mamik crying" I said with a soft tone.Mamik shook his head and tried to wash away the tears.As he sighed Mamik asked. "Why are you still awake?, Already at how nii?, Still wrote you stay up '."Cyclone wants Mamik ngak cry again. Do not be thinking about mothers continue later Mamiq be sick, "I said."Shut up. You know what your mother?, She said in a curt tone ".My heart immediately gasped and fell silent.Then Mamik get the words out of his mouth again. "You know the cause of your mother's death?" While holding both shoulders.And I will remain silent and kept staring at her."She died from consuming the illicit drug shabu-shabu. Moreover, when he died he told me that you are not the biological children ".How fragile my heart to hear pekataan Mamik.Turns out what I'm thinking as long as this is not the way I imagined. Mamik hate me because I was not his biological child. And my mother died from overdose of shabu-shabu. Shabu-shabu is a stimulant that increases the body stimulating excitement and awareness. Type stimulants used herein are Caffeine, Cocaine, and amphetamines. When consumed continuously will cause dependency and dependency (addiction). And
when they are addicted then someone will experience physical and
psychological disorders, because of damage to the central nervous system
and internal organs such as the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. I thought to myself."What are you thinking?, Why are you still dwell here?, There goes live me alone here," he said.With trembling hands kutingalkan dikamar Mamik alone and I will go back to the room to move.
In the mind. I now know why Mamik treated unfairly."So why should I stay in this house. At home people are not Mamik biological? '.I began to pack my stuff packed up most did not forget to bring some money for me while I'm traveling persediaanku.Sebeum go, I wish I could hug and kiss the hand Mamik.I also approached the door of his room and went slowly."Mik?"Mamik not look to me at all."Mamik I'm going away to leave you. But sebeum I go. I wanted to ask you one thing. "Still do not want to look."Who was Mamik biological?. why do you keep it a secret all this to me? "gamamku."Mamikmu is a dealer as well as drug dealers. He who has an affair with the mother. Quietly mother and her relationship. There was never the slightest suspicion I put your mother. But why? After all this time I learned recently that he was having an affair with someone else behind me. Before his death. He told me to take care of and cherish. And not long after that your mother died. I was disappointed and hurt over what your mother did "he said with a keen eye leads me.Not feel the tears were falling tears."Ohhh mom. . . "I said softly.
"And shortly after his death".Mamik was continued.
"I'm looking for a guy your mother's affair. To teach him a lesson as well as bring you to him. Because I think he deserved to cherish. But fate would. Mamikmu shot dead. When he was ambushed police in his hiding place "he added with teary eyes.
"Until now I still can not forgive. it's the mother's fault and Mamikmu "he said firmly and turned to me.Then grabbed her hand, hugged tightly and I kiss full of emotion. I thought, even though he's not Mamikku but he who has been taking care of until today."Thank ya Mik. Thank you for taking care of it "I said with a soft tone."Although I was the son of Bandar drugs and drug addicts. But I'm not an airport or a drug addict. Although both have long left, but I still have you as my parents. " I made sure he listened to my words.I never regret knowing that my parents are drug addicts or airport and sorry that you are not the biological parents. Although it had a secret you tell me. It will not make me act a fool to try, and then will turn to drugs or doing other illegal things. That is not the reason for the hole menjerumuskanku contempt. There are many positive ways I can do it?. ungkapku in the liver."Rest
assured that even though I was not flesh and blood but the motivation
and support I need from you so that I could be a useful for religion,
homeland and nation. Someday in the future. " I said, holding her hand and turned to go away.The end